Oct. 19, 2024 Echo Conference Program


Preachers, Hearers, Readers, and Scribes Echo Conference:

A Virtual Conference

Saturday, 19 October 2024

9:00 am - 2:30 pm EDT / 2 pm - 7:30 pm BST

Presented by GEMMS: Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons

See details and registration information here.

9:00-10:30     Panel 1    Preaching on Politics, Pollution, and Obedience in 17th-Century England

Iordan Avramov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
“The Edge of Politics in Sermons: Henry Oldenburg’s Notes on the Fifth Monarchy Men’s Preaching in the mid-1650s’ London”

Catherine Evans (University of Manchester)
“Pollution in the Pulpit: John Donne’s Dirty Rivers”

Kristi Flake (University of Warwick)
“Romans 13 and the Homiletical Language of Obedience in Manuscript Sermons, 1600-1715”

10:30-10:45    Break

10:45-12:15     Panel 2    Preaching Contexts: Worship, Politics, and Reception

Hannah Yip (University of Manchester)
“Sermon Reports in the GEMMS Database: A Retrospective” 

Lucy Underwood (Warwick University)
“From England to Rome?  Preachers at the English College and Roman Audiences”

Nicole Cumming (Universities of Strathclyde and Glasgow)
“The Sermons and Papers of Robert Wodrow: Communion Practices in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Scotland”

12:15-1:00    Lunch

1:00-2:30    Panel 3    Current Trends and Future Possibilities in Sermon Studies

                                    Panelists TBD

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