The Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons (GEMMS) is a project funded by SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) to create an open-access, group-sourced, comprehensive, fully searchable, online bibliographic database of early modern sermon manuscripts from the British Isles and North America. The database is a finding aid for all types of manuscripts related to sermons, including complete sermons, sermon notes and reports of sermons, held in numerous repositories in the UK, Ireland, the USA and Canada.

You can access GEMMS at:  https://gemms.usask.ca/

Users can search GEMMS by repository, manuscript, people in various roles, composition and preaching dates, Biblical text, sermon types and genres, preaching locations, occasions, and using terms to search the full text of records. 

GEMMS endeavours to make manuscript sermons more accessible for a wide variety of researchers, to encourage research on manuscript sermons and to provide a forum for the development of an online community of sermon scholars. We are inviting researchers interested in manuscript sermons to contribute their own data, as well as make use of the database for their own research.

GEMMS is based at the University of Regina and the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. For more on our project, see our introductory post.

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